A stamp of any kind, when transferred to paper, says a lot about the individual or company that it represents. A high-impact personalised stamp can communicate an impression of efficiency, or an artistic twist, or an air of authority, or even a soupcon of eccentricity, and much more besides. Whatever you want your stamp to say about you or your company, the most versatile way to make an impact is through a colourful and creative stamp design. Trodat unsoaked stamp pads give you all the versatility you need to create engaging ways to present your credentials.
Colours catch the eye; bold colours take the humblest rubber stamp to new heights. These innovative unsoaked ink pads are for use with rubber or wooden stamps and inks of different colours. The pads measure 11x7cm; the product comes in a black compact case with a hinged lid. The bonus feature is that you decide the ink colours that correspond to your needs. This versatility equals eye-catching exclusivity for your stamp. Also, cost-effective efficiency must be mentioned: after maximum use (thousands of stamps) you can refill, or change colour, with the minimum expense and fuss. The product is reliably long-lasting; this budget-priced, handy little gadget will give faithful service for years.
A rubber stamp is a small but essential piece of office equipment; it is an item that gets used every day to inform the world about you and your activity. When stamp meets Trodat ink pad you can be sure that your information stamped on the page will be clear, sharp, bold and distinctively engaging.

Trodat Ink Pad Unsoaked 110x70 mm

£ 6.10
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